Rehearsal Schedule Changes:
Thursday, February 20- no rehearsal, City Schools closed for weather
Wednesday, February 26- bells at 6, choir at 7. No reherasal Thursday the 27th
Wednesday, March 5- Ash Wednesday service at 7- Handbells at 5:45, choir meet at 6:30
Thursday, March 27- No rehearsal
Sunday, February 23 | “Alleluia, Sing to Jesus” arr. Mark Hayes
Sunday, March 2- No anthem
Wednesday, March 5 | “Hope of the World” arr. Lloyd Laron
Sheet Music- 2 Part
*recording is SATB, we will do the 2 part arrangement in the sheet music linked above
Sunday, March 9 | “And Can It Be” Dan Forrest
Sunday, March 16 | “Grace” Mark Hayes
Sunday, March 23- No anthem
Sunday, March 30 | “Near the Cross” arr. Heather Sorenson
Sunday, April 6 | “Come Find His Rest” Dan Forrest